About - Sushlit



Sushlit is a labor of love of Sush(rut) Padhye. Here you will find him sharing the finest of what he thinks is modern literature, in all possible formats and on every topic of note. This website was borne out of Sush’s need for an online platform of his own where he could share anything and everything that he is passionate about, and which is within his grasp of understanding.

Sushlit is primarily focused on literature, as it happens to be Sush’s area of avocational concern, including thoughts, poems and stories; but, for the greater good, and to keep things interesting and slightly less formal, it will also subsume some of his passion projects and experiments.

To sum up, Sushlit is:

An idea, thought, story or philosophy that builds on ancient philosophy; but breaks new grounds instead of conforming to it, to make it relevant to the contemporary society

…or this:

A modern take on topics important to the 21st century intended to take literature to new heights through transformative and boundary-breaking ideas


  • All the personal quotes on this website are said by Sam Pritchard, the character that I created.
  • Unless expressly stated, all the posts on this website are a work of fiction