Life - The Poem - Sushlit

Life – The Poem

Life – The Poem

Life is a race,
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose,
Whatever is the case,
Just never slow your pace,
For – you will always get a chance to hit an ace.
There will be times,
When you’ll have to endure a winless streak,
But, let it not make you meek,
Instead, take this as an opportunity to smother
From your face – any hint of bother;
Leave all worries behind,
And give it a red hot go,
Assuming, this is your last time to shine —
And remember all the while,
To never ever whine,
Because it is the attitude,
That separates a victor from a dud —
You will definitely inch closer — with each passing time,
And everything will automatically begin to rhyme,
Just save for yourself a glimmer of hope,
Because, no matter what hell strikes your life,
It will always help you cope
And cross the goddamn tightrope.

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