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All posts by sushpadhye

Weekend – The Poem

I now realize the importance of a weekend, And can start treating it as a Reverend, Unbeknownst to one and all, The relentless efforts that I put in all the while, Sweating it out, literally, Without batting an eyelid, Succumbing to dark circles for a while, Before giving them the boot, Making every second count,

When Life’s A Bitch – The Poem

Life is a bitch, Karma always precipitates a hitch And could perhaps have you fall into a ditch; It is also not advisable to become a snitch, Whereby even a single glitch Could utterly ruin your sitch And transform you into an overnight witch Instead of your hoped-for magnate, rich; So, no matter how bad

Life in Melbourne – The Poem

Consider this not a boast As it is in no way a toast When Melbourne has been my host, Practically every single day has been an incorrigible roast; Taking the form of a crucible of endurance at times, And a game of forbearance at others, Life in Melbourne has perpetually been a tribulation of the

Parents – The Poem

Ask yourself a question today, Whatever you do the whole day, Who do you do it for? For that special one? For your posterity? Well, these are obvious choices, Now try looking slightly beneath the surface, Notice anything? If not, Just gaze into the mirror for a second, Look at yourself, All tall and grown

Life – The Poem

Life is a race, Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, Whatever is the case, Just never slow your pace, For – you will always get a chance to hit an ace. There will be times, When you’ll have to endure a winless streak, But, let it not make you meek, Instead, take this as an

Melbourne life – The Poem

From the face of it, Life in Melbourne may seem all rosy, But, to be honest, It’s far from a doozy; You grind the whole day, Yet, at the end of the day, You still find yourself in dismay; You try and wrap up all your pending tasks, Yet, eventually, You find yourself increasing your

Hope – The Poem

This era may be perilous ‘Coz of the widespread strife; The times may be uncertain ‘Coz of the spread of insufferable misery; Our life may be insecure, ‘Coz of the pervasion of antisocial elements in the society; Our freedom may be fettered ‘Coz of the law’s bigoted shackles; Our growth might be hindered By people’s

Moving On – The Poem

Moving on frees up your mind, Declutters your thoughts, And gives you peace of mind. Moving on unburdens your brain, Help you leave your past behind, And enables you to stride forward and refind. Moving on unshackles you Giving you wings of freedom To soar higher forevermore. Moving on spreads positivity Through your own body

Disengage – The Poem

When people try to intentionally disturb you, Disengage, Nothing undermines the attention-seeking personalities of dolts more than not being paid attention to; When people pass remarks about you, Disengage, It has the curious effect of making them look like a big fool; When people criticize you for no reason, Disengage, Nothing frustrates them more than

The Imperfect Man – The Poem

Call me a loose cannon, But I don’t like to walk on eggshells, Call me reticent, But I express myself in my own way, Call me diligent, But I believe God resides in the minutae; A maverick, I might, or might not be, But I absolutely abhor policing of legal thoughts; Being less than perfect,